How to know if your partner is cheating on you...

 Signs that your partner may be cheating can vary, but some common indicators include:

Image of Two couples sat under the tree

1. Increased secrecy: If your partner suddenly becomes more guarded with their phone, passwords, or personal space, it could be a red flag.

2. Changes in behavior: Look for unexplained mood swings, sudden changes in routine, or increased irritability, which could suggest they're preoccupied with something else.

3. Lack of intimacy: A decline in physical affection or sexual intimacy without a clear reason could indicate emotional distance.

4. Unexplained absences: If your partner frequently has excuses for being unreachable or unavailable, it may be cause for concern.

5. Excessive defensiveness: Overreacting or becoming defensive when questioned about their whereabouts or activities could signal guilt.

6. Financial discrepancies: Unexplained expenses or discrepancies in finances could indicate they're spending money on someone else or hiding something.

7. Gut feeling: Trust your intuition. If something feels off or you have a nagging suspicion, it's worth exploring further.

It's important to approach these signs with caution and communicate openly with your partner before jumping to conclusions. Avoid making accusations without evidence and strive to have a calm, honest conversation about your concerns.

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